Monday, April 9, 2018

Sitka YL Monthly Snaphot: Spring

Spring is a busy time of ministry for Sitka Young Life.  Here is a brief snapshot of this past month: 

  • Club: 8 club meetings with 100 people at weekly.
  • Campaigners: 20 times of getting together with high school students to study the Bible and 40 people participating- two times with middle school students and 25 people.
  • Camping: Winter blast and a guys discipleship camping trip where 9 guys participated.
  • Prayer team: 5 weekly prayer meetings with 7 people participating. ,
  • People doing ministry around the state who are supported by Sitka Young Life: Tuntituliak- 40 kids around a campfire heard about Jesus calling his disciples, Bethel - six kids at Bethel Youth Facility who met with a Young Life leader to study the Bible.

Thanks for being a part of this work!

We would like to take 30 kids to camp and looking for people partner financially in giving to the camp scholarships fund.  Our goal is to raise $10k. If you would like to partner- click here.