Friday, May 31, 2019

Is it still the Good News to you?

The best thing about Young Life camp is that the good news of the gospel is so clearly presented.  Kids hear about our own brokenness as humans, and they hear about God's love and about God's solution.  At the end of an amazing week, they are invited to respond to the message. The danger we all face in our daily lives is forgetting these things.  We get tricked into believing that we don't need God or that He really doesn't love us.
Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature
In the month of June, we will be sending 2 groups to Washington Family Ranch in Oregon. Please keep them in your prayers (high school June 14-21 and middle school June 23-28).  I pray also that you are reminded how the Gospel really is the best news ever told, and I pray that the truth of that "Good News" will change your life daily.