The start of the school year has gone well. This is what has been going on in Young Life.
- Leaders: This fall we have put a renewed emphasis on leader and had series of 5 leader training meetings . The leadership team has bonded well and we have a stronger group of leaders than in the past. We have 4 new leaders who are excited to be investing in the lives of kids.
- Alumni around the state: At the end of September we had an all- state Young Life weekend. There were 7 MEHS kids from around the state that came to the conference. Byron Bruckner, the director of Covenant Youth of Alaska came and lead a workshop with me for people interested in ministry in Rural Alaska. We were also able to take the young people to a native Alaskan retreat to connect with the covenant church during their discipleship weekend
Here is the group at the all-state retreat. |
- Campaigners: There has been record numbers of girls (15) at breakfast/ Bible study. The guys breakfast has a record number of men who want to be involved cooking and being with the kids. The kids who went to camp have been to most meetings and many are now taking leadership roles at Young Life.
Our Campaigners/ breakfast guys |
- Club: We are hosting club in a new donated location and we have already had 5 wacky clubs including: Instagram club, fast-food club, bubble club, and raffle club. Kids love coming and kids help plan and facilitate club each week.
- Fundraising: Emily and I just returned from a fundraising trip to Oregon where we were able to meet with 4 groups of make connections during 13 other meetings. It was a great time to reconnect and share what is happening in Young Life. It was also a chance to share vision and gain partners in the mission.
- Personal Life: Ruthann is getting bigger and cuter. We are now at the house most evenings and cooing over our little one. Emily loves motherhood and I must say- she is an awesome mom. We have gone on small hikes, built a deck, and I have enjoyed coaching cross country and wrestling. I also ran my first road marathon in Portland.
This fall has brought a new season of life... the biggest change in our lives of course is the addition of Ruthann to our family. It is the second year I have worked for Young Life at Mt. Edgecumbe High School and this year I know many of the students and staff and have support from many people around the community. My position continues to stretch my faith as God continues to show he is sufficient.
Last Monday was our fundraising banquet for Sitka Young Life and I was asked to share for five minutes about my position and vision rural Alaska. During my preparation, I began to get nervous about what I would say. I didn't know how I would fit all into five minutes. The day of the event God reminded me of the Jesus's words to his disciples in Luke 12 when he reminds them not to worry about what to say in front of people. During the event I wasn't nervous, the words came with ease, were coherent and concise, and were better than what I had originally prepared.
God knows our needs and he wants to provide for us. Recently I have found that my level of joy is dependent upon my level of faith. My faith grows as I recognize how God provides. When I remember what God has done- I am reminded that he can be trusted. When I trust God, I find more joy in my circumstances, and songs of praise come naturally. I pray that we may continue to tell what God has done and encourage others. Thank you for your encouragement in partnering with us in this ministry.
1.) Child Care: Emily returns to work in January from child leave and we currently are in need of child care for Ruthann for the first two months of the year.
2.) Guidance in whom to connect to: This in regards to connecting with other organizations and churches around town and around the state as we partner together to support these kids and their faith.
3.) Direction on how to encourage the young people around the state: There are a few MEHS Young Life Alumni who have recently faced some horrible things. We want to be able to encourage all the young people who we are connected to in life and in their faith
4.) Fundraising: We recently looking for people who want to partner with us financially so that we can be fully funded. We have met with many people and are waiting for God to provide.
Thank you so much for your prayers. They have been so encouraging and we have seen many answers since I have began to ask you all for prayers.