Washington Family Ranch in Oregon |
This summer I had the opportunity to go to Washington Family Ranch Young Life camp with our Sitka group. Normally, Emily and I are a dynamic duo as Edgecumbe High School leaders, but due to some pressing business of HAVING A BABY!!! she stayed behind. Honestly, I was a little nervous to be going alone. This was my fifth Young Life camp to lead at, but the first time I would be the only leader in a cabin. We had a wonderful group of leaders going, but I knew that when it came to cabin times and talks with the girls I wouldn't have someone to help me.
Six girls came from Edgecumbe and alongside them I experienced one of the most amazing weeks I could have ever imagined. As native Alaskans, the girls came from all over the state and have life stories very different from my suburban Seattle experience growing up. Yet we were able to connect, laugh, cry, and talk about important things in a way that I have never experienced since I started volunteering with Sitka Young Life about 4 years ago. Something very special and sweet happened in the very moments I was apprehensive about...our time alone in our cabin became a place where I sat back and listened to them as they trusted me with their stories, thoughts, and questions. As it turns out, when God has something special he wants to do all you have to do is faithfully be where He wants you. It was quite freeing to realize that all I needed to do was be there and love those precious girls. When I sat back and watched God move in their lives it wasn't about me leading a good discussion or asking the right questions or having mind blowing answers...I actually sat back and was quiet and listened. I listened to girls tell stories of molestation, of alcoholism, of abuse, and of desperation. And for some of them it was the first time to tell anybody. Once they started opening up and being vulnerable and honest we talked about how God fit into their stories. And about how God fit into their futures.
So yes, we had FUN!! Young Life camp is incredibly fun. But the connection I made with six amazing Native Alaskan girls was life changing. And when we had our first Young Life club last week...the first 6 girls to run up and give me a hug were my girls from camp. What a perfect start to another school year of Sitka Young Life.
Elise Shepard
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